Thoughts, ideas and creativity in process.

Twitter: jessicarachel_x

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Magazine Clippings

I spent a lot of time on trains over the weekend and  I bought a fair few magazines.  These are some clippings that I found whilst browsing through. I chose them for their hair-styling and will use them as ideas and starting points to creating my final catwalk style:

I chose this one because of the middle parting, tousled locks and volume.

I feel that this style is possibly to perfect and quoiffured. I would prefer to recreate something more rough and ready. However, the idea behind the style is essentially the same, which is why I included it.

I chose this piece for its intricate knots and braiding. Im looking into the possibility of using braids in my final catwalk design.
I chose this one for the wet-look. This could be achieved with oils and sea salt spray. I feel this is a good starting point but it would obviously need to be built upon.

Again, I was drawn to this design as it is a solid starting point. I would happily build upon a simple style to make it something extraordinary.

Although this style may be too big, I love the freedom of the styling and the tousled waves throughout .

The braiding in this piece drew me to it. Although the braids are simple. they are still effective.

These 'snake plaits' are extremely interesting! I love the looseness and they could easily be wound up with ribbons and beads in the style to create an interesting and fun style.

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