Thoughts, ideas and creativity in process.

Twitter: jessicarachel_x

Thursday 1 November 2012

Big Hair!

So my next few posts are going to be hair-based. I hadn't really given much thought to hair, as, to be honest the thought of hair scares me! I'm not as comfortable when it comes to hair but over the past two weeks we have been focussing on that in our practical seminars at university.
Over this post, I'm going to bombard you with pictures and little notes about the experiments I've been carrying out in class and how they have influenced me toward finally making a decision with regards to hair styling!

Textures in the Hair:
 The creation of texture in the hair involved the application of fuller's earth to create a base to build the style upon. I love using fuller's earth as it gives a real earthy and organic texture to the hair. This was an instant inspiration to me and i loved the feel and look that it gave to the hair.
 I styled the hair first into a quick-pinned back, messy look. I'm looking into middle parted and textured styles for my catwalk look. This one took seconds and was a quick style to work with as the main focus was the fuller's earth.
Once the fuller's earth had dried, I used my supra-palette to paint patterns onto the hair. I loved the vibrancy that the base of the fuller's earth gave the colours from my supra-palette and the ease that the supra colours were applied with.
However, although I like the colours from the supra-palette, I think I prefer the look of the fuller's earth on its own as it creates a sandy and organic look to the hair. When drawing up my hair designs, which will be included in one of my next few posts, I will definitely take influence from what I practiced during this university seminar.

Structures in the Hair:

 This week in my seminar, we experimented with using different objects to create structure in the hair. We experimented with polystyrene shapes, sponge, papier mache and wire. I decided that as I was drawn to the idea of using dreadlocks in my catwalk hair design, I would begin by crimping the hair and back-combing it into make-shift dreadlocks.
 I matted some crepe hair into dreadlocks of different colours and sizes and pinned them into the hair using small and descrete grips. I created structures in the hair by back-combing the roots of the crimped hair and styling large curved structures into the hair.

This was mostly experimental as I still don't have a concrete idea of what I want to achieve in the hair designs. I found this seminar extremely helpful. I have since been in contact with my female model Desislava and hope to trial some of my initial ideas on her next week!

I have really enjoyed these past couple of practical seminars as they have opened my eyes to the endless possibilities that are available when creating interesting and eye-catching hair ideas. I am going to follow up this post with research into fashion examples of hair that has influence and inspired me. I will then be able to build on that and start on some designs to work toward my final hair designs.

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